The Idea of Writing: Longhand and Shorthand


The conference is scheduled to take place on 29-30 October 2015, and will be hosted by Reinhard G. Lehmann at Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz.

From the Conference Circular:

The Idea of Writing is a multi-day annual conference with a focus on an interdisciplinary discussion of writing and related topics by linguists and philologists. Those fields cover a wide range of languages from the perspective of their different writing systems and specific properties.

Created in 2004 by Alex de Voogt at the Research School CNWS in Leiden, originally the conferences were held in Leiden and then in cities all over Europe, which are famous for their research related to the topic. Each conference has a distinct theme chosen by the host of the conference.

In 2015, The Idea of Writing takes place as a joint conference with the 12th Mainz International Colloquium on Ancient Hebrew (MICAH) conference hosted by Reinhard G. Lehmann at Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz.

The 2015 Idea of Writing topic is “long hand and short hand”. This theme explores the mechanics of fast and fluent versus slow, untrained or even clumsy scribal hand, the impact of writing circumstances on the process or shape of writing itself with regard to style, shape, and layout, or by means of calligraphic and paleographic parameters.

Conference languages at MICAH are English, German, and French, but for the Idea of Writing conference, English is the main language for presentations and discussions.

For more information, please contact:

Dr. Reinhard G. Lehmann
Academic Director / Ancient Hebrew and NWS Languages
FB 01/Research Unit on Ancient Hebrew & Epigraphy
Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz
phone +49-(0) 6131-39-23284 (office)